Timm Thaler on the big screen!

The children's feature movie Timm Thaler – the famous German story about the boy who sold his laugh – was filmed from September to November in Halle/Saale and Berlin Brandenburg. The work parallel to shooting was done in our facility in Halle. Cameraman Michael Hammon filmed on the ALEXA XT, ALEXA Plus and ALEXA Mini (serviced by ARRI Rental). Recording was in ProRes 4444 and RAW for the VFX processing. The many VFX shots are getting their finishing touches at ARRI Media in Munich. David Laubsch and Dominik Trimborn were responsible for the set supervision. Timm Thaler is currently being edited (editor: Jörg Hauschild), and we are really looking forward to starting the post production with Andreas Dresen and Michael Hammon!
Production: Constantin Film Production GmbH
Director: Andreas Dresen, Camera: Michael Hammon
© Peter Hartwig/www.kineofoto.de